Many times training programs are instituted without the ability to maintain a healthy shelf life, let alone keeping the individuals engaged in the training. This is due to the simple fact that once a plan is rolled out, finding the resources to maintain it are difficult. Given that some of your employees will excel at the training, taking the opportunity to keep their own individual momentum going while you move onto the next phase of the roll out is important. Keeping all phases of the training relevant and successful, as new employees come into the program and others move out, is critical.
The DRB Group can work with your key employees to enhance the training program and make it an individual path for their success. Through interviews and assessment, we can work with your employee to specifically identify areas of their training that need strength.
Possible deliverables: Develop a plan with enhanced training objectives that can last over an extended period with check in periods, such as six weeks to three months, we can help move the employee up on the performance scale with one on one coaching, exercises, and development tools to “improve the improvement”.